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Success Stories

" After years of personal development and therapy, I can easily say that the work I did with Tess had the biggest impact and has been the most helpful for me! "

Alana Bell

Hear personal success stories about...

1:1 Sessions with Tess

1:1 Session

I was very privileged to receive Tess’ support over several months of my pregnancy. Through the course of our sessions I moved from being in a place of despair and powerlessness to feeling the most stable and self-supported that I had ever been in my life. The work that I did with Tess was truly life-changing and genuinely transformative with lasting impacts. After years of personal development and therapy, I can easily say that the work I did with Tess had the biggest impact and has been the most helpful for me. It wasn’t always easy to be supported to face myself honestly and with such clarity, but the benefits - a freedom and inner stability like I’ve never experienced before - made it so worth it. To undergo this work is really a gift, and it is made possible by Tess’ wisdom, self-awareness and dedication to doing the work herself. I truly benefited from every minute of our sessions, and I can’t recommend Tess’ service highly enough.

Alana Bell

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I’m 6 months deep in my 1:1 sessions with Tess and feel as though I have learnt more about myself, and life, in those 6 months than the 29 years preceding. 


Tess is earthy, nurturing, captivating and understands humans like no other. 


Tess has a unique ability to connect the dots and tug in the right places to help you come to realisations, unwind out of the bullshit and ultimately re-align with your essence. 


I have never felt as safe and seen as I have with Tess. 

Melanie ~ Executive Assistant

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 I am so grateful for  my sessions with Tess!

I have been journeying with her for nearly 2 years and my life has been flipped 180, back to myself. This journey has been nothing short of phenomenal as she confronts truth on all levels.

Tess has a fun loving, curious and caring spirit that grounds you the moment you meet her. Arriving at a session you are instantly wrapped in a warmth and wonder for the opportunity to explore life and what you have to unravel in yourself.

I couldn't pick a greater soul to share such experiences with,  where we unwind out of all the things that get in the way of me being in my fullest expression. She knows just the right questions to ask and allows the space for me to land in the ansers that my heart knows is true (even though it can just feel a little sticky getting there) 

I feel safe, supported and nurtured and always leave uplifted and inspired. A highly professional and passionate practitioner.

I would highly recommend Tess to people of all backgrounds, there isn't a story she doesn't care for!

Monique A ~ Primary School Teacher

Tess is warm, energetic and insightful. Her charisma is inspiring and she has a phenomenal ability to hold space and mirror back  what it is I’m needing to see in the moment.


The coaching I’ve done with her has helped me immensely to step further into my truth and the work that is deeply aligned to me on a soul level which has been establishing a coaching business.

The structure to the sessions Tess facilities is incredibly grounded and because of this I’ve found them far more impactful that other coaches I’ve worked with that didn’t have such a solid foundation.

This is incredibly important because the work Tess guides you through is deep and awakes you to the truth of who you actually are.

That process requires guidance, support, leadership and love and Tess weaves a beautiful combination of those elements together.

Tess has an uplifting lightheartedness and her laughter can snap you out of ridiculous ego stories you’re caught in and she also holds incredible presence.

She’s in tune to exactly what you need in the moment which is a beautiful experience.

Jacqui B - Coach

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Free 20 minute Discovery call


"Using words alone to describe the beauty & transformation of 1:1 coaching sessions with Tess is not doing it appropriate justice.

She holds safe and beautiful space for you to make such personal and freeing discoveries.


I was called on my bullshit in a very supportive, transformative and tangible way that I no longer identify as suffering from anxiety and feel very capable and empowered to grow my life." 

Erin C ~ Public Servant


Following a very challenging time in my life during 2020, I was blessed to be introduced to, and start work with the beautiful Tess Mallett.  

Something brought me here – it was my time…

Through the power of Self Enquiry, I can now see and question my triggers, dive deeply into why there was charge and reactivity… each time learning more about myself rather than blaming and thinking that I could change my others & the external world. 


I now know that I can only work on myself. 

Working with Tess has work brought me home to my true essence and self aligned space, it’s a beautiful journey home!


 Tess has taught me how to watch over myself, stay self-aware, and give myself permission to choose how to respond   in all life situations. 

My journey with Tess has taught me how to love and genuiely show compassion over anger and resentment.  I can now see that my judgement of others shines light upon my own behaviours and habits.  Facing my fears by allowing and welcoming my triggers into my day-to-day practise has brought me to a place of aliveness where there is the space to be free & creative with purpose aligned curiosity

May Tess bring you back into your heart – a place where immense love and light resides infinitively...enjoy the ride!!!

Sophie Allen - Singing Teacher & Artist

Couple Sessions

Couple Sessions

"We came to Tess in a rocky patch of our relationship, needing guidance and support with getting back in touch with ourselves and also how to navigate the conflicts and fights that felt like they were on repeat.

The skills and processes Tess has taught us has truly changed our world. I am now able to navigate conflict, triggers and arguments with my partner through understanding the important skills of self enquiry and radical honesty [ and so much more!]

She has taught me how to listen again and communicate from my heart!!

I am learning how to truly love, beyond fear, the greatest gift - something money can't buy"

Susan & Steve


Tess has shown us how to come into a depth and maturity of relating that I didn't even know was possible!

She has taught us how to consciously move through conflict, triggers, blame, jealousy, fear and projections. 

Our communication has had a complete overhaul and I am blown away by how radical honesty, sitting in vulnerability & asking questions about relationship beliefs we hadn't ever asked before was the ultimate undoing to our old, outdated patterns of relating and connecting.


We have now come to a place of such  freedom and clarity individually and together and feel ready for whatever life has to throw at us.  


Thank you for shining a light back to love. 

Steph & Marc


Kids & Teens Sessions

Kids & Teens Sessions

"Thank you Tess!

I'm now doing great with my sleep.

You have been such a big help and I'm a lot better with coping with my worries now, so thank you.

I love working with you."

Mae - 12 yrs


Walking at the top of Mt Norman and this is a completely different child!

She just said to me, "Tess healed me"

I instead reminded her [ like you do me ] that SHE did the work and you are the catalyst.

I love your work amazing lady. Thank you so much for all that you are and all that you do.

I am deeply moved by the transformation!

Her anxiety is gone and now has the processes when stressful thoughts, fears and peer pressure arises.


This work is invaluable! 

K. Peters ~ (14 yr old clients, mum)


 Tess gave the greatest gift to my 12 year old who was struggling with life and friendship issues. Their work together provided my daughter the inner tools to help herself: bravery, grace, confidence and self awareness are her new companions. 

Karina - Clients Mum

Work with me


1:1 Sessions

Come home to yourself

Couple Sessions

Discover love,

freedom & joy

Kids & Teens

The education

you wish you had

Honouring Ceremonies

Learn the art of conscious celebration

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