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The path of Self Discovery

Reading books in certain stages of your growth can feel like a heart-warming hug that lights up your very core. It's as if the words on the page reflect the 'said or unsaid things' in your heart, and make you feel seen, heard, acknowledged and at home.

They shift our consciousness by simply placing our attention on them.

They are an investment of consciousness.

The wisdom of books are universal teachings that we stumble across on our journey in this mystery called life. I welcome you to an intimate look at the books and teachers that have been fundamental in my growth and the work that I teach. 

Self Discovery Resources

My favourites books on Self Discovery that have be so influential to my personal growth and professional practice.

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Books on the paradigm shift of relating & love:

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Books on awakening your creativity, curiosity and self expression:

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Love & Relating Resources
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Poetry that serenades your heart wide open:


More books on Self Discovery and coming home to yourself:

- Discover your destiny with the Monk who Sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma (great introduction into this work)

~ Eastern Body Western Mind by Judith Anodea

~ Everyday Enlightenment by Dan Millman

~ The Laws of Spirit by Dan Millan

~ The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

~ Finding your Life Purpose by Dan Millman

~ Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

~ The Wisdom of No Escape by Pema Chodron

~ The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

~ Metahuman by Deepak Chopra

~ Illusions by Richard Bach

~ When things fall apart by Pema Chodron 

~ The Exquisite Risk by Mark Nepo


My greatest teachers & influences



Mooji's direct pointing's through self inquiry are unlike anything I have experienced. He takes you right to the entry point of who you are through his guided meditations, Satsang and extraordinary questions.

Byron Katie 

Is the queen of self enquiry and founder of "The Work" which consists of a series of enquiry questions that transforms all pain & suffering and triggers! She brings the word acceptance from a concept to reality. I have so much gratitude for her teachings and how much she has influenced my work .

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Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart is a spiritual teacher who shares his profound teachings from his direct experience of living in the now. Out of any other teachers, Eckhart has the most comprehensive teachings on the fundamentals of the Ego and Ego states.


Osho's radical teachings have transformed mainstream belief systems and given us all permission for true liberation beyond the 'norm.' He is the spiritual rebel and is a fantastic permission slip to risk it all to be a little more of yourself.  


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Chris Knight 

Chris' guides you home to who you really are through Self Intelligence.
Self Discovery his bag & freedom his invitation. His unique insights and profound teachings touch straight to the heart.
Recommended:  Self Intelligence Course

David Whyte

David is a humble wordsmith that sends you on a poetic journey into the way in which we were made and ushers you to find yourself in his heartfilled invitations. A poet like no other that hits straight to the core of what it is to be human, a generous citizen of life, love and loss.


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Nature. The great mystery. The perfect mirror of not taking things personally, non -judgement and doing things the 'natural way'.
I am forever humbled by the myriad of symbolic teachings, life lessons and medicine that I receive from mother nature. 


The essence of each  of these teachers and their unique medicine is infused in all that I do and all that I offer the world

I am here to show you how to come out of the habit of REACTING from your conditioned mind to RESPOND from a place of conscious presence. This is the path of surrendering into your heart

Tess Mallett

 Let's journey 

1:1 Sessions

Come home to yourself

Couple Sessions

Discover love,

freedom & joy

Kids & Teens

The education

you wish you had

Honouring Ceremonies

Learn the art of conscious celebration

06 I'm ready to transform

Emails to come home to your heart

Inspiration - life & love wisdom - poetry - heart song - self enquiry

I look forward to gifting your inbox with love

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