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Writer's pictureTess Mallett


This sharing is purely to create awareness that leads to more conscious choices in relationship, beyond judgements or perceived notations of right or wrong.

Dealing with triggers and navigating conscious, respectful communication in relationship are critical skills to learn to transform relationships into safe containers for love, connection and expansion.

Triggers, conflict, disagreements and arguments that transpire in intimate relationships are huge pain points for my clients that come up continuously in my 1:1 & couple sessions.

I speak about relationship triggers in about 90% of my work while teaching my clients the skills of Self Intelligence including trigger enquiry and self-enquiry, which are critical foundations for creating loving relationships where each individual takes full responsibility for their judgements, psychological fears, projections and behaviours.

I have compiled a list below of the Top 10 ways EGO behaviour plays out in triggering arguments with your partner. The first step is to become aware of these patterns and then the second step is to learn the skills to go beyond these patterns and behaviours, not conceptually, but experientially (by doing the actual work). What is doing the work…. It starts with disidentifying with thoughts believed in that keep these cycles going, so you can start responding naturally and respectfully (beyond judgement, fear, blame, assumption, expectations, projection etc)

Keep your eyes peeled for part 2, where I will be sharing some practical tips to start using straight away when you notice these patterns arising.

Reach out if you have any questions or you have any requests about what content you want to see more of here.

If you want to know more about how you can do love & relationship work with me, don't hesitate to Get in touch.

(or share this with someone you know would love to hear this right now)

Would love to hear what you resonated with today in reading this.

In love and service,



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