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Writer's pictureTess Mallett

The power of attention

As humans, we have the phenomenal capacity to use our willpower to 'willfully choose' where we are placing our attention in any given moment. And from the standpoint of internal freedom vs suffering, where you place your attention is the linchpin of the quality of your moment-to-moment experience. This is a massive realisation, and it can easily be missed or overlooked, due to its seeming simplicity. (More on that subject later)

We are not able to predict the next thought stream that will enter our awareness - its' impossible!! So it may be considered redundant to try and 'control' your thoughts. Instead, when the mind offers up images of the past, future or 'problems' that it fixates on trying to solve (keep in mind you can not solve a problem from the place in which it was created) - we can do things a little differently to what we have been conditioned which supports the habit of willing your attention out of the psychological mind (creating suffering) and resting in being. 

The psychological mind's usual suspects revolve around:

Judgements (towards self, others and caring about what other people are thinking about)

  • Psychological fear ( there are so  many nuances to fear, but most boil down to the fear of loss)

  • Psychological business ( flicking into others' psychological business by thinking about what they are thinking about & how they will behave based on speculation, assumptions and expectations)

  • The meaning we unconsciously project on situations, people and things ( how we make things personal /take things personally)

  • Shoulds, shouldn'ts, wants, needs

  • Assumptions, Expectations, entitlements

  • Projections or right's and wrongs

  • Future projections - (what if's - leading to worst-case scenarios)

  • Past projections - ( If____then_______)

  • Projecting on sensations, emotions and feelings states

  • Essentially any thoughts and images that create 'problem consciousness'

We will experience this as a voice in our head, images and uncomfortable feelings.When we listen to this voice with interest, meaning we are now involved and identified with what is arising, the physical body will activate with uncomfortable feelings and emotional states (side note:  this happens so quickly as if simultaneously, like a lightning bolt. We are often more aware of the feelings state first, then we can become aware of, through the skill of trigger enquiry, the unconscious thoughts and perceptions we have identified with. Enquiry is an attention-pointing superfood.

This is the cycle of suffering, - we automatically believe these thoughts and perceptions are true (and that this voice and emotional states are 'who we are') making us slaves to the unquestioned mind and uncomfortable feelings that will arise beyond our will.

It takes understanding, skills and habits to come out of this conditioned habit and truly experience the freedom of not being destabilised every time life doesn't show up the way you want or one of those usual suspects I shared above knocks on your door and you unconsciously let them in.  

Reach out if you want to know more about how you can practically and experientially grow your internal stability and feel free from the inside out. I have dedicated my entire life to growing the deepest roots in Self Intelligence and Self Enquiry which keep humbling me daily into truly receiving the blessing of this life, in all it’s pain, challenge and extraordinary wonderment. 

Notice in your experience today where the following arose and how you reacted:

  • Judgements

  • Psychological fear

  • Shoulds, shouldn'ts, 

  • Assumptions, Expectations, entitlements

  • Future projections

  • Past projections 

  • Projecting on sensations, emotions and feelings states

Do you suffer your own judgements about self and others?

Do you suffer the weight of your expectations, assumtions and entitlements?

Do you lose perspective of the here and now when you go off into images of the past and future, that are not now?

I invite you to look and see what you find.

Would love to hear what you resonated with today in reading this.

In love and service,




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