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Writer's pictureTess Mallett

How assumptions & expectations are killers in relating.

Assumptions and expectations are toxic to love, intimacy, connection and our sense of belonging.

When we are seduced into these lower states of consciousness, we abandon ourselves far from stable ground, into our imagination. Essentially; the prison bars of thinking about other people's thinking.

It's like we shut our eyes and put our fingers in our ears, refuse to simply look and listen to what reality is presenting to us, and hold strong in our ego position that the images in our head are true, factual and right.

This is the nature of believing fear over reality.

Believing the narrator of the mind over soberly seeing reality, as it is.

These assumptions and expectations are a form of TRIGGER.

All triggers are rooted in thoughts you believe are real, which is to say, you believe without question are true.

Being triggered means you are arguing with reality.

Defenses are up.

Justifications aplenty.

The gloves are on.

You are resisting what is’ with the hope your disapproval alone and standing in your perceived ‘rightness’ will change it.

This is a huge lesson that life will not change by what you think ‘should’ or ‘should not’ be happening.

When triggered, our behaviour, body language, dialogue and whole demeanor become stained and manipulated by the images we are projecting onto reality, which cause extremely uncomfortable feelings, charged emotions, somatic stress, suffering and great instability.

These uncomfortable feelings and charged emotional states are here to wake us up into SELF ENQUIRY. It is here to awaken a sincerity to question yourself beyond what you have taken to be ‘known’ and ‘true’. To shine a light on the ‘knowing mind’ and be free of the illusion that you have created.

We are being called to put the limiting belief up to the witness, and truth check it against reality!

Here lies our path back to:










Day after day I am working with clients who are coming with their problems, conflicts, fears and stressors and are leaving with a greater sense of knowing who they truly are beyond all of it!

And this is a skill.

It’s an education.

It’s understanding the nature of the EGO (with a fine tooth comb) and skilling up on how to work with triggers to move beyond them (experientially - not conceptually).

It’s about taking radical personal responsibility for the way you meet life with your mind, which leads to an aligned, natural, authentic and integrity fuelled way of being. This is the path to resting in the ‘rightness’ of your heart.

This will radically transform the way you see the world and how you show up, not to mention, how much this completely transform all your relationships - did somebody say DRAMA FREE?!

The root cause of drama in relationships is not being educated in self enquiry and not understanding HOW to consciously move beyond projections, blame, assumptions, expectations, fears, mistrust, jealousy, dependency, powerplay, fear and resentment.

If you are interested in how this could transform your life and intimate relationships, please get in touch. I am doing FREE 20 minute Discovery calls to tune in personally and answer any of your burning questions.

I would love to connect with you.

In love and service,


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