A poetry portal for you to find yourself in.
Beyond Yourself
To be brave enough
To meet yourself
Beyond Yourself
In the space between
The fragility of falling
And the stable ground
In which you have
been standing
all along.
Yet your eyes
Have favoured
looking elsewhere
To the far horizon
Distracting you
From the sheer grace
Of truly
Neutral Nowhere but here,
On the very soil
On which you stand.
Beyond the imagination of
The person who you have
Dreamed yourself to be.
Please know dear one
the mind will
Mystify and manipulate
To put you off
Your true scent,
As it loses grip
In the daily acclimatisation
Of trusting the safety
To be here, fully.
And experiencing
Your full breath
And open heart,
Non dependant
On mind or memory.
Drop the bags
You have carried
Tethered by
Windswept stories
of the past
And the very shoes
That have walked you
To this familiar shore
Of the most unimaginable
Deep resting place.
The one your heart
Has drawn you to
Since you drew
Your very first breath.
The pilgrims
Between fragility
And stability
Is calling you
To land in the
Maturity of your discernment
Of where your loyalty truly lies.
The very simple
Yet formidable choice
Of where you place
Your attention
In any given moment.
The fragility of personhood
Creating a feeding frenzy
Of fear and lack,
Or the stability
Of your heart
Ushering you
To the point of no return
To dissolve into the
Only stable place there is..
The space in which
You have no name,
Just Beyond yourself.
Through the agency of silence
And the stilling of your soul
Come into the true understanding
of disappearance.
This grand gesture
Of giving over
All that we have ever known
To the rapture of our reclamation
Is the most courageous act
Of our radical undoing
You will ever encounter.
All to arrive at the place
That you never left,
To land where your
Feet have always
been firmly planted.
Welcome home.
In love and service,
P.S ~ Read more of my poems here.