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Awakening the heart

 ~ poetic portals to come home ~

Poetry is medicine.

A direct route to the heart as it's language is based in essence, feeling and the space between self forgetting and the frontier of presence. 

I am a poet of internal landscapes, writing heartful musings on the growth of being human and loving so vulnerably in this world without conditions.


"Your poetry Tess is a sublime reminder of the obvious, most powerful aspect of our deeper relating. Your words light me up and challenges me to dive deeper, inspires a journey where even an old sea dog like me can feel renewed, and can see a beacon of love illuminating the horizons of relating."

John Sanderson

A poem for your mind to melt into your heart


Woven heart threads around love and deep listening.


This piece shines light and enquiry around one of the greatest pain points of life:

relationship drama and relating triggers. 

Day after day I hear my clients divulging their unrelenting pain around the projections judgements, fear, blame, assumptions, expectations and resentment towards their significant other and relationship


An accumulation of things they believe the other ‘should or shouldn’t’ be doing and the ‘meaning’ they have attached to certain situations. This is the definition of suffering and living in your imagination. Why... because you are living by the images in your head, rather than soberly seeing reality

[ what is

The roadblock to resolving these disrespectful behavioural patterns is one's identification with the mind which stifles love and our ability to naturally relate with neutrality, ease, joy and deep respect.  

Living life in this unconscious way comes down to fundamental skills that are lacking:

The ability to understand how the mind works in order to go beyond it.


One of many byproducts of learning this skill and knowing who you truly are beyond the mind is: Deep Listening which directly translates to the embodiment of deep respect in relating.

Learning to deeply listen is critical for actually [ being ] with the person/people you love; witnessing them in neutrality as they share in any given moment. It is either that, or listening to the narration of your ego which kills communication and creates distance and disconnection.

One of my favourite things to do is teach you how to discern where to place your attention and create a habit of taking personal responsibility.

This poem was birthed from the sincerity of my own personal self enquiry and the commitment to showing up respectfully in my daily practice of living out love. I'd love to hear what these words [ or any below poems ] bubble up in you or if this brings up any personal enquiry in how you are showing up in your relating.  

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Beyond Yourself

To be brave enough

To meet yourself 

Beyond yourself

In the space between 

The fragility of falling 

And the stable ground 

In which you have

been standing 

all along.


Yet your eyes 

Have favoured

looking elsewhere

To the far horizon

Distracting you

From the sheer grace

Of truly 





Nowhere but here,

On the very soil

On which you stand.

Beyond the imagination of

The person who you have

Dreamed yourself to be. 


Please know dear one

the mind will 

Mystify and manipulate 

To put your off 

Your true scent, 

As it loses grip

In the daily acclimatisation 

Of trusting the safety 

To be here, fully.

And experiencing

Your full breath

And open heart, 

Non dependant

On mind or memory.


Drop the bags

You have carried

Tethered by  

Windswept stories

of the past

And the very shoes

That have walked you 

To this familiar shore 

Of the most unimaginable

Deep resting place.

The one your heart

Has drawn you to

Since you drew 

Your very first breath. 


The pilgrims


Between fragility

And stability

Is calling you

To land in the

Maturity of your discernment

Of where your loyalty truly lies.

The very simple 

Yet formidable choice

Of where you place

Your attention

In any given moment.

The fragility of personhood

Creating a feeding frenzy

Of fear and lack,

Or the stability

Of your heart

Ushering you 

To the point of no return

To dissolve into the

Only stable place there is..

The space in which 

You have no name, 

Just beyond yourself.


Through the agency of silence

And the stilling of your soul 

Come into the true understanding 

of disappearance.

This grand gesture 

Of giving over 

All that we have ever known 

To the rapture of our reclamation 

Is the most courageous act

Of our radical undoing 

You will ever encounter. 

All to arrive at the place 

That you never left,

To land where your

Feet have always

been firmly planted.


Welcome home. 

Beyond Yourself
Image by Milad Fakurian

Poetry is the footprints of  presence.

The fragrance of my undefended

witnessing and listening.

Tess Mallett

Learning to listen from love


Deep listening 

Is a declaration 

Of love.

No adornments 

No adding,

Just simple, 

sober hearing

From the heart. 


I am loyal

To not talking 

over you.

Whether it be

Words you hear 

From my voice, aloud,

Or the internal Chatter

Dictating the 

Rights and wrongs 

Likes or dislikes 

Pro’s or con’s

From within. 


To deeply listen 

Is to drop  

All defences

And surrender

your fullest attention

On noticing what is 

Actually in front of you

Without getting 

In the way

With your own dream.


I am loyal to

Sober hearing;

the bedrock of Trust,

For I tenderly 

Witness all of you

beyond paving my way 

Into the depths 

Of my own imagination,

To stay present in the 





I am devoted

To tracing 

Every mountain and valley 

Of your expression 

As an act of



All of you

Through Living out love.


For these heartfilled, 

Open hands declare  

"I see you"

"I hear you"

There are two 

Choices in each 

Moment of exchange.

I can either ‘create

Over the top of you 

In the hands of mind

Or choose to 

Soften into 

Grateful ‘witnessing’ 

and being

With what’s alive 

And coming though you.

Rising to reality.





I am devoted 

To meeting your

Sharing heart

With nothing but 

space and love,

For this trust

In true listening 

Reveals the medicine

Of who I really am

Each time 

we come together.


Let’s Rest now,

in the generosity 

Of our fullest attention 

And the respite of 

My undefended ears

That are safe to house 

The weight of it all.

Learning to listen from love
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Surrender your fullest attention to what is in front of you, and let your heart recognise the beauty & perfection of existence.

To the softening surrender

My softening breath

grounded gaze

and steady heartbeat

are proclamations of

surrendering to the

free fall of love.

It’s safe to breathe.

It’s safe to be here.


It stills me into the

windswept fragility

of a life unscripted

laden by the trust

from a silent witness

of the heart.

The fruits it bears

crescendos language

of the tongue,

transcends the

fragrance of feeling

and cracks me into

the unending receivership of

love beyond conditions.

For here lies

the wellspring of abundance;

True wealth.

The guttural cries

of loves freedom

dissolves my edges,

softens my seeing

and immediates my attention

into the grace of pure appreciation

as my heart knows,

this moment,

this exchange,

this here

Is a once in a lifetime happening.


simply receiving.

Void of need,

A love rooted in being.

And just like that

my howling love cry

echo's through the corridors

of my humble heart

which can be felt in the

quaking earth it rumbles,

the feet that fall upon it,

and the soft fabric

of my tear stained pillow.

Once again, reminding me to

give over all of myself,

like the eternal wellspring,

an endless tap of giving.

From here

I know

I am

a love so deep

beyond the person

wouldn’t dare to grieve.

And so, I dare to share it

So Wildly

So Sincerely

So Unconditionally

With the heart of another

as it reflects my own.

And once again

I come to see

The love I am

my home.

To the softening surrender

Poetry is a point of understanding where the language of the heart is articulated through deep listening and charting the unknown waters of feeling, essence and spaciousness.

Tess Mallett

Order Customised Poems
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In a world full of fear and separation,

give the gift of love through a customised poem.

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In a world full of fear and separation,

give the gift of love through a customised poem.

Order Customised Poems

I would love to share my heart with you through the expression of poetry. You can gift yourself or another with a present infused with love, joy and the heart.

Customised Poem:

Just send me an email to after you have made your donation below and copy and paste the following into the email thread.

Hi Tess, 

Name poem is written for:

Email address:

What would you like the theme/ essence of the poem to be about:

Colour/style: I would prefer:

a: white background & light colours. b: white background & bright colours. c: black & white d: send customised colour labels eg: #657a8f

Please allow a minimum of 7 days for your deadline. (It usually will be sent to you between 1-3 business days)


Be sure information on Paypal (email, mailing address) corresponds with info on your email. If not, please make note of when you made your purchase and under what name so I can match it up on my end. 

I would appreciated a generous donation, of this dance of giving and receiving in reciprocity with you. 

Customised Poetry Examples


Love naturally gives

Love naturally supports

Love naturally shares

Love naturally celebrates

Love naturally respects

Tess Mallett

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