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Teens Sessions

(& young adults)

Let's skill our youth in:

 ~ conscious education ~

Self Intelligence and Emotional Education is the education you wish you received at school and now this is your chance to gift this to your children for the benefit of their personal  growth in their critical stages of development.


It's only natural to want the best for your kids, so the most rewarding thing we can offer them is to empower themselves. 

Getting external support and guidance is a critical step for your child's development. Having an outside source as a mentor is extremely transformative for not only the child, but also the relationship dynamic at home.

My love of children and the human condition mixed with my formal certification in teaching and the creative arts is perfect combination for reaching the heart of children in a practical and playful way.


I am deeply passionate to skill up our youth to have the practical tools to self reflect, discern beyond fear/conditioning and empower themselves to live in alignment with who they are.

creating strong foundations

An invitation to give your kids the skills and Self Education you wish you received:

Self Intelligence

Self Awareness

Self Enquiry

Self Expression

Advanced Communication

Emotional Education

And the practical skills to navigate:





Peer pressure





Purpose/ Direction


Self Intelligence & Emotional Education in:

  • Radical Honesty

  • Vulnerability

  • Authenticity

  • Connection

  • Ego & Identity

  • Causes of pain/ suffering/ attachment

  • Thoughts & beliefs 

  • Trigger Enquiry

  • Judgement, Fear and projections

  • Caring what others think vs the freedom of being yourself 

  • Fears & ‘gatekeepers’ of growth.

Children 'get' this work somewhat more than adults. There is less conditioning & Ego developed with a greater level of openness and receptivity. They are closer to the mystery of life itself. 

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  • Gives them the permission to be themselves  

  • Creates empowerment and independence

  • Celebrates unique gifts and talents

  • Honours self expression, intuition and feelings 

  • Ignites motivation, self reliance and confidence 

  • Perspective shift: life challenges as opportunities for growth

  • Unwind out of limiting beliefs and ''taking things personally''

  • Resolve triggers, fears, behavioural issues, trauma and phobias

  • Freedom from resistance and suffering

  • Navigation of change through understanding the symbology and energy behind life situations

  • Resolve inner conflicts and create clarity to make choices that are self aligned

  • How to release emotions consciously and learn emotional release techniques with the breath and body that supports healing and holistic wellbeing. 


Investing in your child's growth is valuable & important and would like to honour that with giving you the time to discuss the level of service, support and contact time if offer. 


Get in touch if you would like to discuss packages, prices, my approach to sessions and how they can support you in your life, right NOW.

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I have worked deeply with young children in key areas such as:

  • Resisting going to school

  • Family break ups

  • Releasing pacifiers

  • Boundaries 

  • Behavioural issues ~ passive control, aggression, rebelliousness

  • Playing off the parents from each other 

  • Learning difficulties

  • Sibling issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Dependency and phobias

  • Emotional dysregulation


I have worked with teens and young adults with growth points around:

  • Peer Pressure  

  • Self Image

  • Resistance to school

  • Life purpose and career paths

  • Family breakdowns

  • The growth and challenges of adolescence  

  • Sex and relationships

  • Resolving triggers, fears, trauma, behavioural issues and phobias

  • Emotional dysregulation

  • Freedom from resistance and suffering

  • Navigation of change through understanding the symbology and energy behind life situations

  • Resolve inner conflicts and create clarity to make choices that are self aligned

  • Addictions

  • Grief and death

  • Physical and sexual assault/abuse

  • Loss of direction

  • Lack of motivation

book now

Utterly transformative!!!!

Tess gave the greatest gift to my 12 yr old daughter who was struggling with life, going to school and friendship issues. Their work together provided my daughter with the inner tools to help herself:

bravery, grace, confidence and self awareness are her new companions. Ivy adores you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Kelina ~ Antique Dealer

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I have extensive training in Self Intelligence, Emotional Anatomy and Psycho-somatic Therapy.
I also have a background in education: B.A in Creative Industries Drama and have qualifications as a Secondary Education teacher, so kids are naturally drawn to my clear boundaries, nurturing ways and creative personality.
Let me know if you would like to hear more about my educational background in the arts, education and therapy.

Emails to come home to your heart

Inspiration - life & love wisdom - poetry - heart song - self enquiry

I look forward to gifting your inbox with love

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