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The Art of Honouring

Conscious Celebration

An invitation for you to uniquely honour in ceremony

an event or growth point in your life 

that your heart knows

is asking for your 

fullest attention 



Is a way of being.
A portal to presence.
A lens of perception that reveals

the extraordinary in the ordinary.
It is an attitude of gratitude

unearthing a deep reverence for being alive.
A pathway of appreciation that deepens our relationship
to self, nature and the whole.
It reignites the childlike awe and wonderment
which gets overshadowed over time
through fear, limiting beliefs and identification. 

Honouring is a path to bring your mind
back home to your heart.
Honouring places your attention back
to the only thing that is real...
the unimagined, the uncreated, the here and now. 
Honouring is an art, 

to bring into your everyday.

But first, you have to give of yourself,

to go beyond yourself

Let me show you how.

Honouring Ceremonies


Honouring Ceremonies give you a chance to express yourself  through creativity, gratitude and self enquiry. It's what I like to call "Conscious Celebration".  It is catered to your unique life event, milestone, occasion or growth point where you will be guided into deep connection and presence through sacred ritual, meditation, self enquiry and the creative co-creation of an honouring bundle. 

Honouring Bundles are a main feature of the ceremony which is co-created with the facilitator, Tess Mallett (online or in-person).  You will imbue intentions,  radical honest insights from self enquiry and proclamations of your deepest gratitude into symbolic objects such as natural dried provisions, grains and nature items (especially flowers).  The meditative artwork will intuitively and organically reveal itself and comes into being with playful curiosity and effortless flow. This process is completely supported and guided with heart as we walk hand and hand through the natural unfolding.


As the ceremony starts to come to an end, you will witness your creation, or as I like to call it - your ''art of the heart'' which is a physical memorabilia of our deeply nourishing and transformative time together. 

On the closing of the ceremony we will wrap the honouring bundle. You will be able to offer it to the earth, sacred waters or fire in your own time to complete this sacred honouring. I will provide you with an invitation of how you can do this in your post ceremony package.


Each Ceremony is unique and catered to the individual/s and their current life situation that is being called to be honoured and celebrated.

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Why take part in an Honouring Ceremony?

To  consciously celebrate a life event, occasion or growth point that can so often be dismissed, undervalued and taken for granted. 

To use creativity, symbology and ritual to connect, heal and process events while gaining deep clarity and insight.

To create the space to deeply listen to yourself and tap into your intuitive, natural essence and qualities. 

To remember the joy, clarity, freedom and wholeness of who you are.


To practice self enquiry, self reflection and sacred stillness that consciously grounds your experience and assists with processing emotions, unresolved issues and inner conflicts.

To honour and let go of the past to make way for your hearts whispers to guide your next steps. 


what are you celebrating?
Birthday Ceremony
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Birthday Ceremony

Birthdays are a potent opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge all the growth, change and expansion of the year while creating space to vision for the year ahead. 

In ceremony you have permission to:

• Celebrate the milestones of the year and significant growth areas
• Acknowledge the challenges and lessons of the years cycle
• Discover natural qualities and strengths
• Ground in intentions and practicalities of the years vision
• Reflect on significant areas of life that are being called to expand
• Use self enquiry tools to move through limiting beliefs that are restricting growth and acceptance.

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Love Ceremony
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Love Ceremony

Taking time to self reflect and openly share our hearts, vulnerably and honestly, with those we love is critical to deepen and flourish in our relationships. 


This experience is here to nurture,
expand and deepen conscious connection in
intimate relating, friendships and family dynamics.

In ceremony you have permission to:

  • Share your love in a safe space, from the vulnerability of your heart

  • Increase love and connection with self and others

  • Improve communication and radical honesty

  • Discover greater clarity and acceptance 

  • Rediscover greater appreciation, value and the naturalness of your connection

  • Release resentment and triggers to see the true value of relating beyond fear

  • Rest in the wealth of gratitude for the significant other/s in your life

  • Sit in the transformation of "Apology Medicine" and offer your undefended heart to the other, while taking radical self responsibility.

  • Optional: Celebration of commitment /vows/oath with intimate partner.


Break-up Ceremony

Break-up Ceremony

This ceremony is here to honour the gift of the relationship, the personal growth that has been experienced and the conscious processing of its natural end.

When moving through separation, processing the grief of a broken heart can so often get pushed under the carpet. We can tend to busy ourselves, compensate, distract ourselves from feeling our emotions and deny our process altogether; all very unconscious behaviours to avoid the discomfort. 


In ceremony you have permission to:


  • Acknowledge the profound journey and cycles of your relationship

  • Discover the deep lessons from the mirror of your ex-partner/lover

  • Resolve judgements, projections and resentment

  • Learn how to sit in deep 'Apology Medicine'

  • Work through any unresolved issues and unconscious relationship patterns

  • Discover and acknowledge the gift of how you share your heart with others

  • Ignite the potential for future connections and conscious relating

 I also hold space for couples to come

together in ceremony to share

the gratitude of their journey that has now come to an end. 


Grief Ceremony

Grief Ceremony

This honouring ceremony gives you the fullest permission to express your grief through creativity, self enquiry and gratitude. This allows you the uniquely tailored experience of 'giving back'  all that you have received from your deceased loved one. Change and transition require our deepest most sincere attention to receive the gift of loss. This is a time to grieve and celebrate. All too often significant loss generates trauma and suppressed emotions that breed fear. To honour the loss you must consciously open yourself to the uncomfortable feelings and express them naturally through creativity. 

This experience provides a sacred space and creative structure for you to express the grief of your loss. You are invited to come as you are and move beyond any limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions and inner conflicts. This creative process provides the space for greater awareness, clarity, peace, freedom and closure.



  • Receive the lessons from death and the symbology of loss

  • Honour the challenges, change and grief of your experience

  • Free yourself from unresolved emotions, fear and pain through conscious processing

  • Release attachment and resolve resentment and unfinished business

  • Uncover the hidden seeds of joy and gratitude in grief and loss 

  • Learn the art of celebration and reciprocity in a time of challenge and adversity

In ceremony you have permission to:


Vision Ceremony

Vision Quest Ceremony
Creating time and space to vision your hearts desires is a critical step to manifesting what you want so you can turn these concepts into your reality.  Each area of our life holds values in which we are intrinsically draw to fulfill, and this ceremony is a perfect opportunity for you to get really clear with what they are and create a solid foundation to get what you truly want. Action is dependant on the light of a vision to follow, so you are not walking around in the dark.

•   The New Year
•   New business 
•   Full moon/ new moon cycles
•   Relating and Love
•   Creative Expression
•   Work/ career/ vocation
•   Recreational activities
•   Sexual and sensual expression
•   Any area of life or want/desire you feel called to vision
•   Fully customised

Ceremonies can include Visioning for:

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Customised Ceremony

Customised Ceremony

 You can honour anything! 

Honouring is called forth most in times of change, transition and new horizons. This is because we are going through an initiation of a shift in values.

When we take the time to sit, reflect and question ourselves in Ceremony, this allows us to really tune in with what feels alive and true for us and grows our muscle of discernment. 

This discernment is the byproduct of connecting with our internal compass, so we can show up to life feeling more aligned and natural

  • Honouring the feminine

  • Honouring the masculine

  • Moving into a new house

  • Finishing a tiny house project

  • The death of a pet

  • Self acknowledgement ceremony

  • Changing workplaces / leaving job

  • Honouring the voice and creative expression

  • Becoming pregnant

Here are some examples of customised ceremonies people have requested:

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What's included in Ceremonies?

  • Honouring Bundle (including symbolic items from nature and fresh flowers)

  • Self Enquiry 

  • Heart Sharing

  • Meditation

  • Creative expression & symbolic intuitive play

  • Sacred Ritual

  • Photos of honouring bundle

May be woven into ceremony:

  • Heart song - Medicine Melodies

  • Osho Card readings

Additions- Chosen Extras

  • Ceremonial Cacao

  • Poem: Tailor-made poem that captures the essence of the Ceremony. 



Emails to come home to your heart

Inspiration - life & love wisdom - poetry - heart song - self enquiry

I look forward to gifting your inbox with love

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