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Couple Sessions

Love and Relationship

Are you  ready to:

  • radically transform your relationships

  • free yourself and those you love

  • relate with an undefended heart

  • resolve triggers, inner conflicts and unhealthy patterns

  • flourish in the freedom of loving beyond the conditions of the mind

  • heal your heart and past relationship patterns

  • up-level your communication and capacity to love

  • learn the invaluable skills to come out of judgement, expectations, assumptions, blame, dependency and entitlement.

Relationship pain is one of the greatest challenges we face in life and an area that holds some of the most unconscious beliefs around what "love and relating should look like"

I am here to guide you back to a clean slate, so you can act from a true place in alignment with your heart. This is "living in love"

We are here this lifetime to embody the FULL freedom and joy of being ourselves and consciously sharing this recognition of love [ who we are ] with others.   Self Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence is the critical key to consciously relate with others from a place of internal stability and self sovereignty. 

It fills my heart with so much joy to show you how! The proof is in your experience.

Relational Intelligence

An invitation to radically shift your relationships to be free from:




control & manipulation

games & powerplay






unhealthy behaviours

ego polarity roles



unconscious patterns from past relationships & childhood conditioning


These sessions are here to support conscious relating through the transformation of self enquiry and self discovery.

Because relationships hold one of the collectives highest values, this area of life is where we see the greatest pain points, triggers, fears and unconscious behaviours. 

Our deepest levels of conditioning and fear live here, and also the fullest potential and expansion into true freedom and love beyond conditions.

I am truly in service to love and dedicated to supporting all types of relationship dynamics to come of:

fear, pain, drama and lack into abundant levels of

love, joy, play and true freedom!

What gets in the way of love?

  • Not having the skills to work through triggers, projections and judgement.

  • Responding from the ego who [ defends, justifies, has to be right, based in lack, attached to past stories and future projections ]

  • Poor communication skills and not truly listening to the other.

  • Believing the judgements and projections of your mind.

  • Trying to control the other to meet the images of the 'ideal' way you think they should be.

  • Lacking full independence and knowing what you want

  • Suppressing freedom through conditions

  • Dishonest sharing over radically honesty

  • Fear of vulnerability and the grief of potential loss if you show up as your full, authentic self. 

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Sessions include

 ~ conscious exploration in ~

  • Identifying and resolving pain points and conflicts

  • Learning the skills of trigger enquiry, self enquiry and advanced communication to create greater respect and genuine connection.

  • Transformational, experiential coaching processes to move beyond jealously, mistrust, judgement, insecurity and blame. 

  • Exploring 80+ relationship beliefs and seeking alignment with what feels true in your heart in relating dynamics. 


  • Connecting deeply with what your heart wants and knowing how to express that with radical honesty.

  • Resolving relationship drama and unhealthy, unconscious patterns of relating.

  • Learning how to not take the other 'personally' 

  • Opening your heart [ beyond your mind ] that is constricted from unresolved emotions and resentment.

  • Reignite passion, intimacy and love through conscious connection activities


I am here to support you to learn the foundational skills to transcend painful and disrespectful relationship patterns so you can rest in the freedom of  loving beyond the mind, from the naturalness of sharing  your undefended heart. 

This starts with your relationship with self ~ as primary. Then watch all your relationships reflect the shift in yourself!


 I offer 3 packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold) which differ in service, support and contact time per month, that all include both individual and shared couple sessions. 


Get in touch if you would like to discuss packages, prices, my approach to sessions and how they can support you in your life and relationship, right NOW.

let's chat & connect

An invitation to get connect, ask questions and feel in to what you resonate with.

Before going on a journey of transformation with my clients,

I love to connect in personally

first to make sure

we are both the right fit,

answer any questions and

clean up any fears or concerns.

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Tess has shown us how to come into a depth and maturity of relating that I didn't even know was possible!

She has taught us how to consciously move through conflict, triggers, blame, jealousy, fear and projections. 

Our communication has had a complete overhaul and I am blown away by how radical honesty, sitting in vulnerability & asking questions about relationship beliefs we hadn't ever asked before was the ultimate undoing to our old, outdated patterns of relating and connection.


We have now come to a place of such  freedom and clarity individually and together and feel ready for whatever life has to throw at us.  

Thank you for shining a light back to love. 

~ Stepth & Marc

Get your hands on my go-to recourses on loving beyond conditions.

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book now

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[  In service to Love ]

My most intimate

And truly profound

Moments of life

Have been spent

In the unfolding quiet

With you, my love.

For the space in which

We share together

I have come to know 

Is one in the same.

The space in which

I love you

Is who I know

myself to be.

The place of seeing

Where limitations

are no longer

With not a single

edge in sight.

A natural state

of emptiness

Where the unending

Essence of love

is embodied

beyond the body,

Bearing fruits

of an unconditioned heart 

That fulfils itself by

Giving all of itself.

Humble hearted

And here to serve.

The pure profundity

of my unwavering

love for you

Is a direct reflection

Of the depths

I have traversed

In my own tidal seas.

From diving deeper

Than the person

To come to

The true understanding

That beyond the waves

Of my minds creation

Is the infinite shore

From where I can

Drown in being,

Being breathed

In love

With you.

This love,

I’ve come to know

Transcends what a person

Tries to dream into being

Since love doesn’t




Or play games.


it effortlessly is,

And blossoms

In the full fragrance

of Freedom

Where I have come

to rest in receiving

the breadth

and depth

of the infinite

recognised through

Living out love

with you.

For loving

Like this

One knows

In their heart

of hearts

This can only lead

To the collapse of

Everything that isn't real

And leaving all

that is true

To remain.

For I am in service

to love.


- Written for my love -


Emails to come home to your heart

Inspiration - life & love wisdom - poetry - heart song - self enquiry

I look forward to gifting your inbox with love

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