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Discover mental peace, internal freedom &
love filled relationships

My life's devotion is Self Enquiry,
showing people how to stop suffering &
return to the freedom of their natural state of being.

I specialise in revealing and disidentifying with limiting thoughts & beliefs that dictate and shape our behaviour while learning how to truly be with challenging feelings and emotions, because the quality of your internal state and relationship depends on this!


Internal resilience and Self Actualisation is the invitation: to be free of the past, limiting behaviours and conditioning as you embody the radical authenticity of your true nature.

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Internal freedom that's reflected in your love, shared.

Learning the skills and habits of  Self Intelligence is the ultimate inner work toolkit for transcending fear, judgment, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and emotional stress. By mastering these inner work tools, you unlock the potential for profound inner freedom, radical authenticity and thriving relationships. From inner work practices, resolving relationship conflict, navigating triggers, overcoming trauma to regulating your emotions and gaining advanced communication skills - I have you covered. ​​

​Central to my work is addressing 'what gets in the way of love.' as so many of our inner disturbances are activated in intimate relationships, friendships and family dynamics.
By focusing on your internal transformation as primary, you create a solid foundation that  gets reflected in the quality of connection and loved shared in your relationships.

By identifying and resolving the root causes of drama, stress, and suffering, you will be equipped to integrate this profound work into your everyday, leading to natural transformation in every area of your life!

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Self Enquiry & Triggers

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Self Regulation & Meditation

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Authentic, heart centred living 

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Love & Relationship

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Advanced Communication

What I Specialise In

What Clients Say

"Tess has been a godsend. Her energy so clear, loving, grounded and open and supports me to feel safe, held and celebrated. Her insights, framings, genuineness and reflections offer a depth of insight that I haven’t experienced before in a practioner. She works from a framework that offers more universal awareness rather than a particular modality which seamlessly integrates with other areas of my life and the tools she draws on perfectly support her message. It offers me a very practical go-to what any patterns are coming up. It feels she’s offering me a framework for self-actualisation in the most gentle and invitational of ways. I recommend Tess to anyone like myself who is thoughtful, sensitive, wants a soft touch whilst also supporting deep accountability to ourselves. It’s been truly life changing!"

~Nat Gamble

1 Sessions

Freedom from the inside - out

When we lack the skills and tools to uncover the limiting beliefs and subconscious narratives shaping our emotions and behaviour, it's like driving under the influence! If you are here you are wanting guidance and support to get skilled up 

In a safe, non-judgmental space where you are fully seen and heard, you can reconnect with your natural state of joy and happiness, free from fears, judgments, insecurities, anxiety, depression, and past traumas.


Create the life and relationships you love - transformation awaits you!


Couple Sessions


What get's in the way of love?

Your insecurities, fears, judgements, uncomfortable feelings, assumptions and expectations that you unconsciously (and usually innocently) project onto your partner which creates conflict, distance and separation.

Relationship stress, unresolved conflicts, non-listening and breakdown in communication are the most common pain points in relationships - let's get to work.

I teach you the deep foundations of relationship triggers alongside revealing the attack and defense patterns that govern our unconscious behaviours so you can come out these cycles for good!!!

From resolving relationship conflict, to navigating triggers and gaining advanced communication skills and building trust, connection, intimacy and love - I have you covered.

1:1 Sessions

Teens Sessions

The education you wish you had!

It's only natural to want the best for your kids, so the most rewarding thing we can offer them is to empower themselves.

Having external support and guidance for you teen moving through their critical years of development can be not only supportive for their transformation, but also for the relationship dynamic at home.

I support young adults to self reflect, self enquire and navigate challenging topics/ pain points in their life so they are equip with the internal skills of emotional regulation, trigger enquiry and communication awareness to improve their life and relationships.


These life skills are the foundations for feeling at home in their skin and  fostering thriving relationships without needing the love and approval of others or going against their true nature.


What Clients Say

"I have never felt so safe and seen in my entire life"

Mel S.



Conscious Celebration

An invitation for you to come into ceremony to uniquely

an event or growth point in your life that your heart knows

is asking for your fullest attention.

Birthdays, new relationships, births, deaths, life  events, new chapters, old chapters - we can learn the art of honouring to consciously celebrate the milestone.

I am deeply passionate to share with you my unique "Honouring Bundles" that are a new way to celebrate beyond the 'usual' drinking, partying or avoidance due to the uncomfortable feelings that are associated with the milestone/event. 


You will witness the creation of the Honouring Bundle process directly with me in ceremony which you can integrate  to use for yourself in your own life.

Community Membership

Freedom Together

Chris Knight & Tess Mallett have bought together their combined 24 years of experience on the spiritual path in Self Discovery & Inner Work practices to create a thriving community to support our freedom, together.


- Courses (including Self Intelligence Course)

- Live Integration Sessions

- Community Events

- Webinars, masterclasses, workbooks & worksheets

- 1:1 coaching

+ more

Explore- Free call



Let's connect on a Free Discovery Call which is like having a 'mini session' with me.

Bring any questions, concerns, curiosities or queries to see if we are the right fit.



Remember Joy, Freedom & Love

Emails for internal freedom & expanding love

Inner work practices - love & relationship - poetry - self enquiry

I look forward to gifting your inbox with love

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